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Upcoming panel discussion

Many of you know I’ve invested considerable time in trying to help our industry make sense of our confusing terminology. Launching the UX Lexicon (link in comments) with Janet Standen and dozens of other UXers from around the world, and the “weekly terms on your inbox” (link in comments) are some of these efforts.

Tomorrow I will be moderating a panel discussion about Market Research and User Experience research with:

🎤 Lindsey M. West Wallace Phm) (Executive Director, Insights & Analytics, Americas at Landor & Fitch)

We’ll dive into what they each call their practice and why, how the practices are similar and different, misconceptions, pet peeves, how MRX and UXR work together, qualities of great researchers, and more.

Please register to join us live or watch the recording at your leisure. Link is in the comments. The recording will be distributed to all registrants. THIS IS A FREE EVENT.