Fuel your curiosity
Browse our resources, guidance, networking tips and other inspiration below to help you sharpen your research chops. Subscribe to our newsletter, called Fuel Your Curiosity, for automatic delivery.
Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.
Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.

‘Research’ Means Something Different Now—Here’s Why
If you’ve been on the hunt for a research-related job lately, you’ve probably noticed something odd: job boards are flooded with titles like Research Engineer, Research…

Pricing Questions: How to? Whose Endeavor?
In the world of research, there's often a fine line between understanding user needs and determining the right pricing strategies. While user research, market research, and marketing…

Join us June 16th
JOIN US: This Friday morning Janet Standen and I will host a webinar titled "Working Smarter: Note-taking Strategies to Boost Efficiency" as a follow-up to my cover article for QRCA Views…

UXR across cultures: What can we learn?
I recently conducted a series of 10 UXR trainings for a team in Japan. Here are some takeaways that fascinated, surprised, or challenged me. They may interest and help you, especially if you lead…

Is "Research Democratization" good? Who benefits and what should be considered?
“Should I consider a position that includes training others on how to conduct user research?” (or ask one of my employees to train others?) These are questions I hear a lot. Here are my…

Avoid these 3 mistakes beginning researchers make!
A question I’m often asked as an experienced researcher and instructor is, “What’s the one mistake that every researcher makes when they first start out?” The thing is, there’s not just one…

What Kind of Researcher Are You?
In spite of Covid, these past two years have been full of transformation and growth for many of us, myself included. I am extremely proud of Curiosity Tank’s success in educating and…

ResearchOps, You Complete Me!
Ah, February. A month for celebrating perfect partnerships. Finding “the one” that makes you a better version of yourself. If you’re Research, that one-and-only you may be looking for is ResearchOps.

Get 25% off my General Assembly classes
JOIN ME ON SATURDAY! Last year I taught over 3200 people about user research. A good portion came to me through General Assembly and many continued on at Curiosity Tank. What a terrific testament to our growing and amazing industry!

Do you qualify? Please support us!
It’s Implementation Week for the Fall ’21 Ask Like A Pro cohort. That means the All-In students are soliciting participants for their actual user research studies right now. We'd love your support!

Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.
Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.