Fuel your curiosity
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Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.
Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.
UXR Productivity Hacks on the Awkward Silences podcast
Please join me in congratulating User Interviews Erin H. May John-Henry Forster and Katryna Balboni on their 100th episode of Awkward Silences! I am very honored to be their first repeat guest…
Make sure your stakeholders know this when conducting usability research
When conducting usability research, especially with a team new to the practice, make sure they understand that they cannot push out updates to the aspects you are studying when testing in a live environment…
Research is not always successful!
I spend 90% of my working time with clients and students helping them learn, plan, recruit, conduct, analyze, synthesize, present, and act on user research learnings. There are a lot of…
21 Reasons Research Fails (and how to overcome these challenges)
The major categories of failure are lack of alignment, planning, timing, confidence, and action. Each category is broken out below and 21 suggestions about how to mitigate these pitfalls…
6 reasons why you should not focus on tools
Here are 6 reasons why you should not focus on tools or platforms at the beginning of your UXR journey. First, learn how to conduct user research without them. Master how to ask solid…
Anyone who tells you there is one right way isn’t an expert in user research
There is no one right way to author a research plan, collaborate with stakeholders, recruit participants, pose questions, gather feedback, analyze and synthesize data, or present your research…
Looking for: people who create and scale digital ads
PLEASE HELP: I am recruiting for a paid user research study and looking to speak with people who create and scale digital ads. I will be leading these 1:1 conversations over the next week or so…
Your job is to ask the right questions
Your job as a researcher is not to have all of the answers, but to ask the right questions. Pose the right questions, to the right people, in the right way. This was the #1 takeaway from my…
UXR is a collaborative process
This morning I met with a researcher who is the first researcher at her start-up. Her role is to both conduct research and build a research practice within her organization. To begin, she drafted…
Addressing pushback from stakeholders
Today I taught a corporate workshop. We discussed how to address pushback from stakeholders who say they don't have time to provide feedback during the research planning phase or…
Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.
Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.