Anyone who tells you there is one right way isn’t an expert in user research

There is no one right way to author a research plan, collaborate with stakeholders, recruit participants, pose questions, gather feedback, analyze and synthesize data, or present your research learnings. Period.

Anyone who tells you there is one right way isn’t an expert in user research.

There are a plethora of best practices, efficiencies, cultural considerations, and ethics to take into primary consideration though. This is what I share with my workshop participants, clients, and in our Ask Like A Pro UXR series with students.

Provided you have a good teacher or mentor, these aspects can be somewhat easily understood. When presented in the context of actual research, and hands-on experience, they are far more straightforward and easier to grasp. Learning by doing is key.

Research is creative. It’s dynamic. And when done well, is incredibly impactful and super fun too.

Almost as fun as some of the visuals I compile for my teaching decks and workshops (that ALWAYS present in context with hands-on activities)


6 reasons why you should not focus on tools


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