Fuel your curiosity
Browse our resources, guidance, networking tips and other inspiration below to help you sharpen your research chops. Subscribe to our newsletter, called Fuel Your Curiosity, for automatic delivery.
Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.
Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.
Your job is to ask the right questions
Your job as a researcher is not to have all of the answers, but to ask the right questions. Pose the right questions, to the right people, in the right way. This was the #1 takeaway from my…
UXR is a collaborative process
This morning I met with a researcher who is the first researcher at her start-up. Her role is to both conduct research and build a research practice within her organization. To begin, she drafted…
Addressing pushback from stakeholders
Today I taught a corporate workshop. We discussed how to address pushback from stakeholders who say they don't have time to provide feedback during the research planning phase or…
Don’t ask “what do you want?”
In user research, we never ask participants "what do you want?” for several reasons. And while this may be obvious to come, the reasons behind it may not. Participants often do not know what…
"You CAN teach an old dog new tricks!"
I'm working with a new, fantastic client on a series of UXR training for their product team. My 45+ tools and templates are included in these workshops (and often customized to be more…
This is why I teach
This is why I teach. This is why I love helping other people realize their dreams. This is why I give back. This is why I mentor. This is why I do what I do. This is my why.
Which user research or UX event topics interest you?
I am planning my August/September event calendar and would love to hear which of the following topics excite you, if any! Ideas include: How to freelance as a UXR/work as an independent…
You've raised the bar, you conquered the challenges, and you thrived!
PLEASE JOIN ME in congratulating our Winter 2022 Ask Like A Pro cohort! It's been a fantastic journey. They provided outstanding stakeholder experiences and clear, actionable…
Please join us tonight for “Alternative Analysis”
I'm presenting "Alternative Analysis: Analyzing Data to Make UX and Product Decisions" hosted by UX Research and Strategy Group CAN’T MAKE IT LIVE? The event will be recorded and…
Yesterday’s user research newsletter included 32 exciting jobs
Fuel Your Curiosity is our twice a month(ish) newsletter chock-full of tips and insights that help you feel more confident, empowered, and successful with design and userresearch…
Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.
Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.