You've raised the bar, you conquered the challenges, and you thrived!
PLEASE JOIN ME in congratulating our Winter 2022 Ask Like A Pro cohort! It's been a fantastic journey. They provided outstanding stakeholder experiences and clear, actionable research results to our project sponsors. Every single one of them grew in their user research hard and soft skills and became more confident in their UXR skills as a result!
Katherine Yamasaki, Hillary Shar, MS Melissa Laurie, MPH Miguel Castillo, Camila Gobbi, Melissa Farboudi Jahromi, Shelly Yichoy, MS Molly Lobsinger, and Duygu Y. thank you for sharing your beautiful minds, placing your trust in me and #Cuiositytank, and modeling the way for our 40+ Observers!
You've raised the bar, you conquered the challenges, and you thrived!
I'm so so proud of you all and extremely excited for our project sponsors to apply your learning and improve their customers' and prospects' future experiences.