Getting hands on in “Ask Like a Pro”

Workshop secrets for high-impact research.jpg

Last night Leslie Forman led a 90 minute workshop focused on

  • Planning workshops for user research projects

  • Running UXR workshops with stakeholders

  • Multiple approaches to make sense out of workshop data

The event was open to our Ask Like A Pro alumni and current cohort only and it was terrific!

We got hands-on, we chatted about in-person versus remote workshops, the importance of “priming the pump” with attendees before you start, leveraging surveys or prework to understand their perspectives and establish benchmarks, and so much more!

Thank you Leslie!! Excited to collaborate with you again and meet in person!

The recording will be available to alums and the current ALAP who were unable to attend later this week.

PS. We have 2-4 UX research-related events per quarter. I am always on the lookout for new speakers and topics. If you are interested in speaking, or have a suggestion for a speaker or a topic, please lmk in the comments below!


Do your questions measure up?


Every human benefits from learning how to ask good questions