Every human benefits from learning how to ask good questions


Every human benefits from learning how to ask good questions.

When you know how to ask good questions, you’re able to make more informed and confident decisions, both for your business AND your personal life. It’s a skill that’s worth investing in regardless of what you do.

Everyone benefits — whether you’re single or not, employed, retired, or a student, straight or bi, tall or thin, young or old, a vegan, a parent, speak Swahili, believe in a higher power, work in sales, marketing, product development, law enforcement, education, human resources, hospitality, or just want to have better relationships!

No matter who you are, or what level of interest you have in being a “serious” researcher, it’s possible for anyone to learn the fundamentals of user research, and apply them day-to-day, so you can start asking good questions, too.

When you do, you’ll be empowered — with knowledge AND data — to make better decisions, evaluate your options, develop better products, grow a more profitable business, nurture your relationships, and just flat-out live a happier life.

Please join me on my quest to help people learn how to ask better questions!


Getting hands on in “Ask Like a Pro”


You’re Invited: Scaleup Impact Summit