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Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.

PUBLIC EVENT: Results of AI Research Study Thursday Event
Our AI Research study, “Understanding AI in Applied Research” wraps up this week. ICYMI here is a quick recap. In collaboration with Ari Zelmanow of Customer Forensics, we launched a self...

What is Quality User Research & Events
Yesterday I joined a riveting panel discussion by Rosenfield Media titled “A Genuine Conversation about the Future of UX Research,” with an audience of 400 + researchers and industry leaders. A key…

Dogfooding: Tasting Success in Product Development
Dogfood might sound gross for humans to consume, but it plays a vital and (dare I say) yummy role in product development. No, we’re not talking about swapping your sandwich with your furry friend. It’s…

The Controversial UXR Case Study
Let’s face it. Case studies can be largely unavoidable pains in the *ss. I field questions about them regularly. Here’s a Q&A about these devils: Q: Are case studies required? Yes, for juniors and mid-level…

Why do we use tasks and scenarios in user research?
Why do we use tasks and scenarios in user research? What is the difference between the two? How do we author them? Here's the deal: Scenarios provide context for situational questions and the…

Last night’s "Is Ask Like A Pro Right for Me?" Info Session Replay
Last night’s Q&A with Ask Like A Pro alumni, and several prospective students, was terrific! For the first time, we had several incoming All-In students join us and I shared a quick overview of several case…

Is Ask Like a Pro right for you?
As a global educator in UXR I can tell you the biggest complaints I hear from from aspiring and current research practitioners who want to up-skill include: 1) NNG and most other programs do not…

Bringing the research to life
Let’s talk about using visuals when reporting on research learnings. Really bringing the research to life is one of my favorite parts about being a researcher! By visuals, I mean icons…

Use 2x2 frameworks to see the data
Last week we completed the second part of our "Spot Patterns" user research workshop. We reviewed the thematic analysis homework activity and the many different approaches…

You've raised the bar, you conquered the challenges, and you thrived!
PLEASE JOIN ME in congratulating our Winter 2022 Ask Like A Pro cohort! It's been a fantastic journey. They provided outstanding stakeholder experiences and clear, actionable…

Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.
Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.