Curiosity Tank

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What is the problem I am trying to solve?

JUST PAUSE & ASK YOURSELF: What is the problem I am trying to solve? This simple question is critical for PMs, designers, and researchers.

It's super easy to keep your head down and get caught up in the work, but if the problem you're solving isn’t well-defined or doesn't align with organizational goals, you'll likely miss the mark. Or worse, doing busy work!

If your project lacks clarity, and you don't know what problem you are trying to solve, you should likely be in discovery mode—which is 100% fine as long as your focus is on discovery.

So, ask yourself:

  • What is the problem I am trying to solve?

  • Should I be in discovery?

  • Or am I trying to solve a problem that isn’t clearly defined?

Then, take action. If you're in discovery, focus on learning—talk to users and prospects, gather input, and explore.

If you’re meant to be solving a problem, make sure it’s well-defined first—align with stakeholders, clarify goals, identify and agree on success metrics, and break it down.

By doing this, you ensure your work is purposeful, impactful, and aligned with your organization's broader objectives.

This illustration is of a dartboard with no target. Arrows are scattered aimlessly. Where is YOUR target?