What do you call yourself?

What is your professional job title.jpg

INDUSTRY RESEARCHERS: What do you call yourself and why do you prefer that professional job title?

How do you refer to yourself in conversation? As a…

  • user researcher

  • UX researcher

  • UXR

  • user experience researcher

  • Experience researcher

  • Design researcher

  • Market researcher

  • Marketing researcher

  • qualitative researcher

or something else?

Which "term" do you prefer and why? How does this compare with the title your employer uses? Has your title opened or closed any doors for you? Come with any benefit or loss?

Does your title matter to you? In what ways? Let’s open up this conversation. There is no right or wrong. I am genuinely interested in this topic and think it’s should be discussed more broadly so employers can become more aware of how these “naming” decisions impact our industry.

There is so much to this topic of course Janet Standen and I have spent hours noodling many of these terms in our UX Lexicon work!

But I was reminded of it again when rereading Susan Fader's excellent QRCA View magazine feature article called “Do Qualitative and UX Research Overlap?” Please check it out!

Let’s dive into it this title conversion. It’s sure to be meaty. Maybe meaty isn’t the right word?! I think it will be CHEWY! Please share your thoughts below.


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