Fuel your curiosity
Browse our resources, guidance, networking tips and other inspiration below to help you sharpen your research chops. Subscribe to our newsletter, called Fuel Your Curiosity, for automatic delivery.
Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.
Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.
Get hands-on, proven methods and tools to help you genuinely understand your customers, challenges, and opportunities in less time
Our 10th "Ask Like A Pro" user research cohort begins later this month! We’re holding an Info and Q&A session on Tuesday night, September 13th, with alumni. Please join us! All registrants will…
Survey screeners and training for teams
What is a survey screener and why do you need one for your user research recruiting? What platforms are used for these activities and how do they compare and contrast? Yesterday’s Fuel Your…
Avoid these 3 mistakes beginning researchers make!
A question I’m often asked as an experienced researcher and instructor is, “What’s the one mistake that every researcher makes when they first start out?” The thing is, there’s not just one…
Evaluating your current and future learning instructors
After 20+ years as a practitioner and educator in the design and user research industry, I’ve learned a lot about how to evaluate whether a program, coach or mentor is a good fit or not. What makes a good fit…
4 tips for making a perfect professional development match
How’s March roaring in for you? These first sunny days of spring always seem to bring the energy of new adventure, opportunity and growth. For me, that means considering classes, workshops…
Learnings from the Fall cohort
Have I told you I LOVE learning AND teaching? Both allow me to share and build on my passions and give back. And both fuel my own curiosity, too! Fortunately, a great community of professional…
Six Tips for Scheduling Participant Interviews!
You’ve screened a great group of participants, and now it’s time to get to the meat of your study: your data-gathering sessions. A careful scheduling strategy is key to creating a smooth experience…
6 tips to improve your survey/screener’s UX
As a UX researcher, you spend time obsessing over how stakeholders’ products are experienced by customers. But have you considered the UX of your own research work? Your interactions…
What do you call yourself?
INDUSTRY RESEARCHERS: What do you call yourself and why do you prefer that professional job title? How do you refer to yourself in conversation? As a user researcher, UX researcher, UXR…
Every human benefits from learning how to ask good questions
When you know how to ask good questions, you’re able to make more informed and confident decisions, both for your business AND your personal life. It’s a skill that’s worth investing in regardless…
Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.
Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.