Learn the lingo: affinity map

LEARN THE LINGO: Tomorrow’s UX LEX Term is: Affinity Map || Category: Process || What is it?

Affinity Map || What is it?

Affinity Mapping is a method of analyzing the relationship between ideas or data points, in order to help make sense of data. This process is commonly done with stakeholders who bring different perspectives ...

The full UX Lex entry for this term includes the following:
> What is it?
> When it is best used?
> What does it entail?
> Interchangeable terms
> Related terms
> Use in a sentence
> Resources (if applicable)

Check out the full definition below. The link is in the comments. Better yet, sign up for TERM TUESDAYS and have our UX Lex terms email you weekly, for free!

Please help us mitigate misunderstandings and confusion in our UX, UXR, and MRX work. This will save us all time, money, and frustration!

Samantha Mabe

I strategically craft websites for the creative small business owner who is passionate about serving her clients and wants to be a part of the design process. I help her stand out as an expert, find more dream clients, increase visibility, and be in control of her website so that she can grow her business and spend more time doing what she loves.


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