Join us for “All About Rolling Research”

PLEASE JOIN US FOR AN EVENT called "All About Rolling Research."
I'll be hosting a panel discussion with industry experts who have set up, and led, a variety of high-profile Rolling Research (RR) programs.

In this session, you will learn about different approaches to RR programs, gain tips for setting up and optimizing RR, identify various tactics to recruit RR participants, and discover nuances of conducting RR compared to other types of user research studies.

This session will be held as a live Zoom webinar with live transcripts. A recording will be available for all registrants. Join live or watch the recorded replay!

Topics we'll cover:

  • What is Rolling Research?

  • Who uses RR Programs? And why?

  • What qualifies for a RR program or study? What does not?

  • What are the pros and cons? Constraints and liberties?

  • When are RR programs and studies best utilized?

  • How are they set up and managed?

  • Does analysis differ compared to other types of UXR studies?

  • What do RR outputs look like?

  • How do stakeholder roles and responsibilities pan out?

  • Where do RR teams recruit? And how?

  • How is RR scheduled?

  • What role do participant pools play?

  • Is conducting RR a good entry point into the field of UXR? (Spoiler alert, yes!)

  • What do RR intake and other artifacts look like? (We'll share examples!)

Please register via the Eventbrite link below

Learn more about our panelists and connect with them!

Hope to see you there!


We're Back with Two Exciting UXR Events!


There is no one right path.