Join me on Thursday!


Join me for my "Art of Conducting User Research Interviews class" this Thursday at 5pm PST. Use discount code "ronsen-2021" for 25% off!! NOTE: This workshop will NOT be offered again in Q2.

It's super fun, hands-on and you get five of my templates/checklists. Here are the takeaways:

  • Learn the key components to conducting successful research interviews

  • Identify how to evaluate a successful interview

  • Set yourself, team/stakeholders, and interviewees up for success

  • Author and pilot your discussion guide (Question starters, bias checklist, thought starters)

  • Two Practice Interviews (Sample questions)

  • Moderator performance evaluation (Checklist)

  • Identify and avoid bias (Checklist)

  • Common questions and preparing for sticky situations

Can't make this date or time? General Assembly will send you a recording to view at your leisure. Learn more and register at the link in the comments. Again, this workshop will NOT be offered again in Q2. Hope to see you there ;)


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