CX, UX, and HX are at the heart of the way the world of insights is changing

HX, CX, and UX NewMR Webinar.jpg

YOU’RE INVITED: I'm excited to speak in New MR’s series as part of the British organization's ”Understanding HX, CX, and UX.” Please join us Thursday, May 13th @ 7am PST / 3pm BST. It's FREE. The registration link is in the comments.

CX, UX, and HX are at the heart of the way the world of insights is changing

CX (customer experience) is becoming an ever-bigger part of how brands seek to improve their offering to clients. CX is also blurring the boundary between research & marketing (by linking surveys to observational data to CRM & to individual outcomes)

UX (user experience) is in the vanguard of establishing lean/agile ways of developing products and services - for example by doing less research more often by research skills & tools embedded in the design team (rather than in an insights team)

HX (human experience) is the next shift in the transition from product-centricity, to customer-centricity, to people-centricity

Presentations cover the three Xs, UX, CX, and HX

> The UX Lexicon is Born – clear communication and understanding for all researchers
Michele Ronsen, Founder Curiosity Tank

> Design for behavior change
Roxana-Maria Barbu, PhD, Cognitive data specialist

> Human Centricity, from CX to HX
Ray Poynter, Potentiate & NewMR


Not everything is a user research problem


You’re invited: Concentric 2021