Fuel your curiosity
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Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.
Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.
How to gather feedback on “understanding/interpretation”
We don’t ask user research participants “Do you understand X?” And we also don’t ask participants “Is this clear to you?“ First, these are both leading questions that suggest a particular answer and or…
Learn more about freelance and independent UXR consulting
Who in my network works as an Independent Consultant in UX/UXR? Please share what you love about it! This Saturday I'm hosting a 2-hour session about independent UX/UXR consulting…
Considerations for testing different types of digital experiences
Let's talk about considerations for testing different types of digital experiences. First, requirements for each type of digital experience you test differ, so it's key to keep that in mind. When it…
Please join me!
PLEASE JOIN ME! I'll be speaking @ UXDX online events, and sharing my knowledge and experience with rolling research programs: the benefits and drawbacks, similarities and…
It often pays NOT to be pixel-perfect!
It often pays NOT to be pixel-perfect! Yesterday I taught the first of 10 user research corporate workshops to a team in Japan. What an incredible opportunity and experience. In this first…
User research lessons from Curiosity Tank
Funmilayo Obasa wrote a beautiful and detailed article on her experience in our last Ask Like A Pro cohort that focuses 100% on user research. She completely captured the experience we…
Don't Put Lipstick on a Pig! Best UXR Tips & Tools
Don't put lipstick on a pig!" is exactly what I think of when people ask me which tools and platforms are most important to succeed in user research. Bottom line: You do not need to learn…
What do you think of "robotics for good"?
This robot serves food at a casual Japanese restaurant a few blocks from our home. My daughter is in love with KETTY the robot server! She has a sincere emotional connection to KETTY…
Learn more about freelance and independent UX and UXR consulting
Selling and negotiating are two skills people don’t think about enough when wanting to become (or excel at) freelance UX, user research, and or consulting. These two skills are critical to…
Is Ask Like a Pro right for you?
As a global educator in UXR I can tell you the biggest complaints I hear from from aspiring and current research practitioners who want to up-skill include: 1) NNG and most other programs do not…
Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.
Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.