Fuel your curiosity
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Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.
Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.

Learn the lingo: Recruiting
Recruiting / Recruitment || What is it? Recruitment is the process of identifying and finding research participants who meet a set of predetermined criteria that define the profile of the desired…

Learn the lingo: Transcript / Transcription
Transcript / Transcription || What is it? A written verbatim record of every word said during the course of qualitative research fieldwork. Typically transcripts include timestamps and a record of who was…

Learn the lingo: Topline Report
Topline Report || What is it? A written summary of the research goals and key learnings. Sometimes it also includes other contextual information, such as links to pertinent study artifacts, details about…

Learn the lingo: Survey
Survey / aka Questionnaire || What is it? A survey contains a set of baseline questions about a particular topic to collect self-reported and self-recorded data from a large number of individuals in a…

Learn the lingo: Target Market / aka Target Audience
Target Market / aka Target Audience || What is it? It is the term for the specific audience (individuals, households, organizations) for whom a product, service or initiative is intended to serve or attract…

Learn the lingo: Secondary Research
Secondary Research / aka Desk Research || What is it? Research conducted by gathering and reviewing data from existing sources. When you want to gain an understanding about any topic…

Learn the lingo: Insight
LEARN THE LINGO: Today’s UX LEX Term is: Insight || What is it? A discovery, a deeper understanding, an inspiration, a new perspective, level of understanding or an aha resulting from digging…

Learn the lingo: Finding
Finding || What is it? Findings are raw learnings/discoveries drawn from what was created, seen and heard from participants during a research study (e.g. artifacts, articulations and…

Learn the lingo: Evaluative Research
Evaluative research || What is it? Evaluative research is an umbrella term for studies in which participants are “evaluating” something such as a storyboard, video, sketch, packaging, a question set…

Learn the Lingo: Cognitive Walkthrough
Cognitive Walkthrough || What is it? A combination of observation and a user talking aloud to evaluate the experience and perceptions of a product/service/website/retail environment, etc., from the…

Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.
Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.