Who would you like to hear from?

SPEAKER SUGGESTIONS? I’m planning a panel discussion in November about non-profit and purpose-led qualitative research.

Patrick Olszowski from Outrageous Insight will be one of the panelists! All of the proceeds will benefit a TBD related non-profit.

ASK 1: Who would you like to hear from? Who should I consider inviting to join this panel discussion? Suggestions? We have representation from the UK, so looking for two more people, at least one from the US, ideally. They should be a leader in conducting qual for non-profits and purpose-led organizations. Please list suggestions or tag recommendations in the comments below.

ASK 2: What is your interest level in this topic? You may remember the series I led with Fable this past winter that raised awareness for accessible research and over $7700 for related causes! That was a three-part series. I am trying to ascertain if there is enough interest to create a two or three part series on this topic as well. Please lmk in the comments below!

ASK 3: What types of questions/topics would you be interested in the panel discussing? There are no bad ideas! Please lmk below!

THANK YOU! I am excited about the event and looking forward to learning more about this specialized area of our research industry!


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