What is quality research?

Today’s Fuel Your Curiosity edition was inspired by a panel discussion questions “What is quality research?” Proposed criteria are included and feedback is requested. Let’s set a benchmark.

Today’s Fuel Your Curiosity edition was inspired by a panel discussion questions “What is quality research?” Proposed criteria are included and feedback is requested. Let’s set a benchmark.

Yesterday I joined a riveting panel discussion by Rosenfeld Media titled “A Genuine Conversation about the Future of UX Research,” with an audience of 400 + researchers and industry leaders. A key question was: “What is quality research?” This hit close to my heart, as I often think in terms of tools and templates for teaching UXR and elevating our industry’s appreciation and value for it.

Today's Fuel Your Curiosity blog article explores potential criteria to establish this benchmark for our industry. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Enormous thanks to the panelists from yesterday's event for the inspiration.


28 Ways to Articulate and Demonstrate UXR Strategic Value


What is Quality User Research & Events