Curiosity Tank

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We are only 111 $24 ticket sales away from our $10,000 goal

WOOT WOOT!!! We are only 111 $24 ticket sales away from reaching my goal to raise $10,000 for non-profit organizations catering to diverse audiences!!! This was such a stretch goal and I am over the moon excited we are so close! Please join us!

Our next session in the 3-part series is on Tuesday, December 7th. We focus on accessibility in regards to Invisible differences. Sensory, learning, and cognitive are part of a spectrum of experiences for which there’s no singular solution for accommodation. So how can user experience research practices aim for accessibility for all?

Join us to discuss important strategies for conducting UX research with people who have a spectrum of invisible differences. There are no one-size-fits-all accommodations, but experts Meryl Evans (deaf) and Nikki Nolan (she/her) share their best practices for both living with their own invisible disabilities and working with this important population.

Topics we’ll cover:
> How accessibility accommodations benefit more than the targeted audience
> Differences within invisible differences (and the accommodations they need)
> Involving people with invisible disabilities throughout the development process
> Inclusive writing for people with cognitive differences
> Working with and leveraging internal Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)
> Self Identification within the disabled community and key terms
> Common language mistakes and more!

Support Knowbility with your ticket purchase!

Session 2 proceeds benefit Knowbility’s mission to ensure equal access to technology for people with disabilities.

Curiosity Tank and Fable are partnering to raise awareness of the important issue! All proceeds go towards our goal of raising $10,000! All registrants receive access to ALL of the session's video recordings and materials. Registrants do NOT need to attend live.

Please register on Eventbrite and help us reach our goal :)