UX Productivity Hacks and Your Why
How’s your productivity been lately? In “normal” times, it’s hard to fit everything into a day. Add distance learning, WFH, and a (virtual) social life to the mix, and things can get unruly, eh?
Can you guess how many different methods the average person uses to manage their time? Check out the answer below, along with a few (fun and funny) pandemic-time productivity ideas geared toward UXers.
Pandemic Productivity Framework
The Eisenhower Framework could be a lifesaver if you are feeling overwhelmed. It was developed by Dwight Eisenhower to prioritize high-stakes issues during his presidency. It’s also the perfect solution for those of us trying to juggle a lot. After all, what UXer doesn’t love a good framework?
We created this sample Eisenhower Matrix for you to check it out. Let us know how it works for you!
Parenting Pandemic Hacks
Last week, Chika Ando wrote a truly funny, and creative, article on UX-inspired solutions to parenting during a pandemic. Think Kanban boards, sticky notes, and help tickets. If you’re looking to cut down on mid-Zoom meeting interruptions, and/or have kids or pesky housemates at home, this is a great read!
My Calendly Awakening
Last month I set up a Calendly account. I’d put this off for years because I didn't want to lose control of my schedule. CALENDLY IS A LIFE SAVER AND I CANNOT BELIEVE I WAITED THIS LONG. If you’ve been considering it, take a closer look at the benefits from a PM perspective, and get off the pot.
Remember Your Why
Simon Sinek made a profound and simple argument that nothing in life or business will make sense until you fully know and embrace your “why.” And we all know that when you forget your "why" you lose focus and productivity.
This super clever, toe tapping Hamilton-style rap video will remind you "why" you work in UX, "why" you design, conduct research, and even get out of bed. It helped me remember my "why" and brought a huge smile to my face. The video was created for the Rosenfeld Media Experience 2020 conference.
New "Ask Like A Pro" Dates
The next, and fourth, Ask Like a Pro cohort dates will be announced in a few weeks. Join the waitlist to ensure you don't miss the enrollment window. Those on the waitlist will receive an email alert as soon as the dates are finalized. The last cohort sold out before I had a chance to email about it! If you KNOW you want in now, please send me a quick email and I'll save a spot for you.
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Forward this email to someone who you think might enjoy it. Better yet, sign them up here. It will be the gift that keeps on giving.
Ask us questions related to user research. Seriously, bad research keeps us up at night!
And That's a Wrap!
And that’s a wrap for this UX pandemic productivity themed email. I hope you enjoy the new format. We'll alternate between a theme and UX/UXR jobs, events, classes, articles and other happenings every few weeks. Thank you for all of the feedback. Feedback is a gift and we received very actionable input on how to make Fuel Your Curiosity more meaningful to you.
What do you think? Lmk. We're constantly iterating and would still love to hear your input.
In 2018, the average person used 13 different methods to control and manage their time according to the Productivity Institute. Does that number surprise you?