User researchers improvise when…
To me, user research is part art, part science, and part improv. Yep, improv. But—let’s face it—not many people think of user researchers as being good at improv.
In truth, we frequently have to get into character, switch roles, and channel our beginner's mindset (and quickly). We have to loosen up in order to think on our feet.
We improvise when:
A prototype isn't done on time or doesn't function properly
We have technical issues
Stakeholders move the goalpost
Participants bring the wrong device
We can’t recruit the people best fit to provide the feedback we seek
Our competition changes the landscape
The subjects aren't responding as expected
I could go on and on. Trust me, I think on my feet a lot in my work!
The improv aspect of UXR is partially what makes the practice super fun too.
To me, decent user experience work involves a mixture of art and science, but to produce great, truly inspired work, you need to also add in the ability to improvise. There are opportunities to do so from the first meeting with a new client, during each stakeholder interaction, when conducting (or performing!) the research with the people we’re studying, and after.
Curiosity Tank's next "Ask Like A Pro" user research series begins in September. Join us to learn more, build your improv skills, and get hands-on.
We're holding a free info session on August 22nd. The link to register is below! All registrants will receive a recording as well. I hope to see you there!