User Research vs. Marketing Research


I would never shout this publicly, but… just between you and I… until recently I had this point of view that marketing was kind of yucky. It’s not. I know this intellectually but...

You see, I don’t think of myself as “marketing” or focusing on the purchasing or sales side of the cycle. Instead, I focus on the design side, where we help craft product experiences. Something about that feels better to me.

And yet…

I’m coming to realize that market research and user research are less bifurcated than I previously thought. My perspective has changed… a bit. There’s more overlap than I once acknowledged.

And yet… I still don’t try to sell anyone anything.

I’m hired to understand people. Their perceptions, and to uncover insights into behaviors, goals and needs. The end game is address/resolve these through better design.

My job isn't to convince anybody of anything.

How do you feel about the user research vs. marketing research? I’m genuinely interested to hear your thoughts.

Remember, this is all confidential.


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