Creating Participant Pools


Q. Does it make sense to create participant pools for upcoming studies? That is, you establish a group of people willing to participate in paid #research programs.

A. IMHO, yes. They are super efficient and effective. They save tremendous time and money. And provide you direct access to quality participants 24/7.

How do you do it? Author a survey that identifies and segments people based on what you want to learn down the road. Include a link at the bottom of your marketing, social media, help desk and/or CX communications saying something like, “Are you interested in sharing #feedback on how we might improve in the future? We regularly conduct paid user research studies with people just like you. Learn more here.”

This yields a constantly growing, and relevant, pool of willing participants that feeds itself automatically. The survey itself also allows you to test assumptions and benchmark opinions and attitudes overtime.

Rotate the questions to align with new research needs as you progress. The sentiments will evolve as your industry and products change.

Pools are terrific for recruiting and can be a great way to create continuous feedback loops too.

Check out the version Workday recently launched.


User Research vs. Marketing Research


Launching soon!