Transitioning from academia to user research
Transitioning from academia to user research requires a fundamental shift in mindset and approach as well as flexibility and compromise.
In the corporate world, research serves a different purpose compared to academia. It's not about proving theories; it's about driving design and business decisions. Striking the right balance between conducting sufficient research and aligning with business objectives is essential. In our Ask Like A Pro series, our goal is progress, not perfection.
Research in corporate settings operates at a faster pace, addressing not only problem descriptions but also seeking actionable solutions and recommendations. It's about making an impact and driving positive change.
Beyond research skills, a broader perspective is crucial. For example, embracing systems thinking and understanding the power of building rapport. Bridging the gap between stakeholders and the people we design for, who often have diverse perspectives, is also a core part of our role.
Securing stakeholder buy-in and managing their concerns is pivotal. This involves gaining their trust in the user research process and demonstrating its value. It often requires navigating complex stakeholder relationships and accessing the best participants too.
Gathering stakeholder assumptions can inform what we test yet we need to be careful these assumptions don’t hinder our understanding of the target audience’s needs. Applied research is a structured approach to systematic learning, enriching our understanding and guiding product and service enhancements.
As applied researchers, our journey is one of continuous learning. People are diverse, and their needs evolve, as does our competition. There is always something new to explore and discover. We do not live in a static world. We exist in an ever-changing landscape. Our ability to adapt and enrich our approach plays a pivotal role in driving positive change.
With this post, I welcome our eight All-In students into the Fall 2023 Ask Like A Pro cohort and Blurb as our project sponsor! This is our 13th ALAP cohort and I am incredibly excited :)
We still have Observer seats available. This participation level offers the most flexibility, a certificate of completion, and we’d love to have you!