The #1 indicator of success in my user research studies

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The #1 indicator of success in my user research studies is how involved my stakeholders are in the process. Here’s how I include them:

  • During the planning phase, when gathering initial feedback, prioritizing key questions, and ensuring the research questions tie directly the core business goals. This generates interest and buy-in in order to have that investment in the outcome.

  • Never spend more than 2 hours on a draft UX research plan without getting input. This ensures I am on the right track.

  • Inviting stakeholders to observe UX research live, granting them access to interview recordings to watch at their leisure, and sharing regular updates.

  • Including them throughout the phases builds credibility for the work, provokes questions and dialogue as the work is progressing, and improves their understanding of the user research results when it's shared in analysis

  • During analysis and synthesis, continue to update stakeholders frequently to build on the engagement

  • I never want my stakeholders to be surprised!

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PRO TIP: Try to organize the learnings according to their functional area, as well, to further close the gap in their ability to consume and act upon the research!

Please share your tips for getting your stakeholders engaged below!


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