Fuel your curiosity
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Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.
Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.
Make your UX training, workshop, and or offsite a success!
I'm thrilled to see increasing requests for user research workshops and training! Last week I signed an agreement for a FAANG. They are combining two workshops for a research team's offsite. I'll be…
Cross cultural research and training
Today's Fuel Your Curiosity blog article may interest and help you especially if you lead user research workshops or work cross-culturally. I learned a boatload from my recent 10-workshop …
What could it look like if a researcher’s role includes training others?
“Should I consider a position that includes training others on how to conduct user research?” (or ask one of my employees to train others?) These are questions I hear a lot. Today's "Fuel Your…
"You CAN teach an old dog new tricks!"
I'm working with a new, fantastic client on a series of UXR training for their product team. My 45+ tools and templates are included in these workshops (and often customized to be more…
Considerations for internal user research
Conducting user research with internal employees can be common, especially in B2B organizations. For example, a company that produces facility management monitoring…
Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.
Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.