Curiosity Tank

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Pay it forward!

PAY IT FORWARD: Here are Five Opptys to Pay it Forward by participating in Interesting Research!!

Curiosity Tank is a user research and education consultancy. I work with amazing researchers at all different levels and help them grow through various “learn-by-doing” programs, like our Ask Like A Pro series.

Right now I have five UXR’s working on studies related to user research. Kinda META when you think about it!

All five are recruiting various types/levels of researchers to participate in studies. Please consider taking part in one or more of the following opportunities. It’s interesting research, a great way to network, and a terrific way to pay it forward. Plus, select participants will be invited to participate in PAID 1:1 session(s).

Simply going through the survey/screeners will help them test their recruiting skills and pick up "smoke signals."

The list of opportunities and links to their screeners are in the comments. Simply completing a screener or two would be incredibly helpful!

I’m happy to answer questions. I love meeting other researchers, helping our community, and supporting the next gen of researchers!

Thx for your consideration. And to Reduct. video for sponsoring projects where students can "learn-by-doing" research with actual stakeholders!