Curiosity Tank

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Let’s learn by doing

YOU’RE INVITED!!! Joe Formica, founder of Bitesize UX, and I are teaming up to do more events together! Here's the skinny:

We met on LinkedIn in March 2020 (have never met IRL actually). We co-designed a UX research challenge for people to increase their UX and user research skillsets. We ran it twice last summer and had a blast. People loved it.

It's a 2.5 hour challenge. You "learn by doing" and leave the event with:

  • A better understanding of primary and secondary research

  • Experience both conducting and participating in a card sort

  • The tools, techniques, and templates to flesh out a case study

We designed the event for people who want to:

  • Feel more empowered in their everyday product and design decision making

  • Increase UX and UXR skills

  • Genuinely understand customers, challenges, and opportunities

  • Network and have fun in UX!

So come join us!
Session 1: Thursday, August 26th @ 3pm PST
Session 2: Tuesday, September 7th at 5pm PST

SEATS ARE LIMITED. $30 USD flat fee.

Register through the Eventbrite links in the comments below.