Curiosity Tank

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Last chance to save

LAST CHANCE TO SAVE on my "Conducting User Research Bootcamp" for General Assembly. This Friday's day-long, hands-on workshop is the last session where you can apply the 25% discount code "ronsen-2021". Register now if you haven't already. Can't make it at this time? No problem! A recording will be sent to everyone who registers.

I've taught this workshop nearly 100 times and I still hear from people who took it two-plus years ago! And I still love teaching it!!

It's is very popular with people who want to:

  • Increase their User Research skills

  • Improve their understanding of mixed methods, when to use which ones, and what they look like in practice

  • Make better, and more informed, product, content, or design decisions

  • Become more proficient in design, UX, or UXR

  • Improve their confidence when speaking about User Experience

And with those who haven't had any formal design education or UX design and completed a bootcamp that didn't spend as much time on research as they should have.

Use code "Ronsen-20201" for your 25% savings! This is the last class the code can be applied to in order to save.

The link to register is below in the comments. Hope to see you there!