Last chance to save

Save on my Conducting User Research Bootcamp

LAST CHANCE TO SAVE on my "Conducting User Research Bootcamp" for General Assembly. This Friday's day-long, hands-on workshop is the last session where you can apply the 25% discount code "ronsen-2021". Register now if you haven't already. Can't make it at this time? No problem! A recording will be sent to everyone who registers.

I've taught this workshop nearly 100 times and I still hear from people who took it two-plus years ago! And I still love teaching it!!

It's is very popular with people who want to:

  • Increase their User Research skills

  • Improve their understanding of mixed methods, when to use which ones, and what they look like in practice

  • Make better, and more informed, product, content, or design decisions

  • Become more proficient in design, UX, or UXR

  • Improve their confidence when speaking about User Experience

And with those who haven't had any formal design education or UX design and completed a bootcamp that didn't spend as much time on research as they should have.

Use code "Ronsen-20201" for your 25% savings! This is the last class the code can be applied to in order to save.

The link to register is below in the comments. Hope to see you there!


Join me tomorrow for a free session


Sprint retrospectives for UX research