Improve your UXR skills by providing feedback
One way to improve your UXR skills is to provide feedback. There are tons of panels you can join as a tester, either by participating in surveys or diary studies or click tests or five-second tests or a variety of other types of research. This is a great way to get exposure to how people are administering different types of research and to learn about different tools and platforms. Even better, you can get paid to do it!
That said please do not, under ANY circumstances, submit responses for ANY study in which you do not meet the criteria.
In other words, don’t mess with other researcher’s data! Only take part in studies you are qualified to participate in. Google “user research ethics.” This is important.
(Karma is real. This industry is small.)
What are your favorite research panels?
Which research panels have you used lately?
Illustration from the lovely and talented Milly Schmidt :)