Are findings and insights the same in UXR?
Q: Are findings and insights the same in user research?
A: No! Here's the skinny:
Findings include articulated observations of things you saw and heard, including body language, tone of voice and facial expression.
Findings represent key behaviors or attitudes that are seen or observed
They are our data points. Our quotes, descriptions of who, what, how often, how many, and when, artifacts we collect etc.
You report on the findings that relate to the research goals directly.
Findings come before insights --> always.
We analyze and synthesize our data to uncover insights which are interpretations of findings. Insights:
Often answer the question “what does this mean?” or “why does this matter to [customers/stakeholders]?”
May conflict with earlier pieces of data in or outside of the study.
Provide a fresh perspective and reveal hidden truths. They are unarticulated, a-ha’ moments!
Speak to our audience and are memorable
It is not an insight if:
Your organization has heard it before
A participant articulated it
It's not a new perspective
It is not grounded in actual data