19 Exciting UXR Events


You're invited! Please join us :)

There are TONS of exciting events coming up and we hope to see many of you online or in person. Check out these user research-specific happenings!

  • Sept 25th: First PLAN workshop in our Fall 2022 Ask Like A Pro cohort. Join the series as an Observer to participate live or watch the recordings. Register here.

  • Sept 27th: Second PLAN workshop in our Fall 2022 Ask Like A Pro cohort. Join the series as an Observer to participate live or watch the recordings. Register here.

  • Sept 29th: UXR Vocabulary: 100 most essential terms of the effective UX Researcher. Register here. (Free)

  • Oct 3rd: Data Security Spotlight. Michele's privacy and security attorney will join the Fall cohort in this extremely informative session to discuss the what, why, where, when, and how of applied research security procedures and the docs you must have in place to be compliant. (Open to alums and FA22 registrants) Register here.

  • Oct 4th: SURVEY/SCREEN workshop in our Fall 2022 cohort. Observers may participate live or watch the recordings. Register here.

  • Oct 7th: QRCA’s The Inside Story: Professional Life as a UX/CX Researcher Panel Discussion. Registration info to come (Free)

  • Oct 11th: INTERVIEW workshop in our Fall 2022 cohort. Observers may participate live or watch the recordings. Register here.

  • Oct 9th-12th: EPIC conference in Amsterdam. Register here.

  • Oct 12th: DeltaCX Live. Michele and Debbie Levitt will take a deep dive into research recruiting and screening. (Free)

  • Oct 13th: The Q&As of Quantitative Methods. Register here.

  • Oct 19th: Designing for every user - Neurodiversity in the workplace. Register here. (Free)

  • Oct 25th: ORCHESTRATE workshop in the Fall 2022 cohort. Observers may participate live or watch the recordings. Register here.

  • Oct 30th: First SPOT PATTERNS workshop in our Fall 2022 cohort. Observers may participate live or watch the recordings.. Register here.

  • Nov 1st-2nd: UXStrat Asia. Register here.

  • Nov 3rd: Second SPOT PATTERNS workshop in the Fall 2022 cohort. Observers may participate live or watch the recordings. Register here.

  • Nov 7th: Ask Like A Pro Alumni Mixer with Guest speaker. (Open to alums and FA22 registrants)

  • Nov 8th-9th: Qual360 APAC. Register here.

  • Nov 22nd: Final Ask Like A Pro research presentations to Project Sponsor Ahimsa. Observers may participate live or watch the recordings. (Open to alums and FA22 registrants) Register here.

  • Nov 23rd: Final Ask Like A Pro research presentations to project Sponsor Celtra. Observers may participate live or watch the recordings. (Open to alums and FA22 registrants) Register here.

ICYMI: "Is Ask Like A Pro Right for Me?" Event with Alums

Michele provided a quick overview of the Ask Like A Pro user research series background and goals. Then shared many of the proprietary tools and templates we use in the program, and beyond.

The alums and Michele fielded questions about TONS of details — the $800 student stipend, paying for one cohort and getting the benefits of two cohorts, payment plans, the upcoming Fall cohort's sponsored research projects, time commitments for different participation levels, leveraging the experience in case studies and resumes, how to schedule 1:1 time with Michele to see which participation level may be the right fit, the most popular student use cases and goals, and more.


Watch the recorded session here >>

Additional content begins at the 1:04 time stamp.

For some finer course detail, check out the cohort tools and learning portal overview video (recorded at our last Q&A and Info session)

Speak up, get involved, and share the love!

And that’s a wrap!

We typically alternate between a theme and UX/UXR jobs, events, classes, articles, and other happenings every few weeks. Thank you for all of the feedback. Feedback is a gift and we continue to receive very actionable input on how to make Fuel Your Curiosity more meaningful to you.

What do you think? Lmk. We're constantly iterating and love to hear your input.

Stay curious,
- Michele and the Curiosity Tank team

PS: Register here to join the Fall Ask Like A Pro cohort as an Observer! Or set up a personal call or Zoom with Michele to learn more!


Keep the ball bouncing


Tonight is the night!