Curiosity Tank

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12 truths about conducting and teaching user research

I've been conducting and teaching user research as an independent consultant for 12 years. Here are 12 truths about this incredibly rewarding experience.

  • The design and user research community is super smart, interesting, and fun.

  • There is always something new to learn. Always!

  • Time and experience have a domino effect on your speed and confidence.

  • Working with UX-mature teams isn’t necessarily easier than working with teams with no research experience. Often it’s the opposite.

  • The larger the client, the longer the contract terms.

  • Teamwork makes the dream work!

  • Regardless of how seasoned you are, things can go sideways on a nanosecond.

  • It's magical when you collaborate with a PM or designer and nearly complete each other's sentences.

  • Client relationships and your network are KEY.

  • There will always be terrific and difficult stakeholders. Always!

  • There is zero substitute for having foundational research skills. Change overall (and specifically with tech stacks) is a constant.

  • I would still conduct and teach user research if I won a million dollars tomorrow. It fills my Curiosity Tank :)

Can you relate?

What truths have you learned along your research journey?