Generative Research

What is it? Exploratory research is used to build a foundational understanding for problem definition and to identify potential opportunities and solutions. Commonly employed to inform new initiatives including products, services and experiences. Studies may focus on stakeholders, target audiences, geographies, industries and other relevant contexts. Generative research often includes attitudes, behaviors, opinions as well as user and competitive environments. 

When is it best used? Best used in the early stages of any innovation process and to understand how to improve existing products and experiences. 

What does it entail? Generative research can take many forms and is designed to uncover depth and breadth of understanding, usually including primary qualitative research approaches (e.g. field studies, interviews, diary studies, ethnographies, etc.) but often also includes secondary research (i.e. from reviewing existing sources.) 

Interchangeable term: Discovery research, exploratory research, formative research

Related Terms:  Evaluative research, qualitative research, co-creation, observation, ethnography

Used in a Sentence:  The generative research we did in the early stages of a product development initiative was pivotal in providing insights into the minds and existing behaviors of potential users.

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IDI / In-depth Interview