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Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.
Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.

Hands-on with Design Thinking: Solution Phase
In this series, Michele Ronsen of Ronsen Consulting explores Design Thinking through blogs and activities. Before reading the article below, check out the first four…

Hands-on with Design Thinking: Refine Phase
In this series, Michele Ronsen of Ronsen Consulting explores Design Thinking through blogs and activities. Before reading the article below, check out the first…

Hands-on with Design Thinking: Prototype Phase
In this series, Michele Ronsen of Ronsen Consulting explores Design Thinking through blogs and activities. Before reading the article below, check out the first…

Hands-on with Design Thinking: Explore Phase
In this series, Michele Ronsen of Ronsen Consulting explores Design Thinking through blogs and activities. Before reading the article below, check out the first…

Hands-on with Design Thinking: Understand Phase
Design is a hot topic now and pops up in casual conversation all the time. The industry as a whole, and design education specifically, have experienced…

Design Thinking: Solution Assignments
Understanding the people you’re designing for — the ones who will use your products and services…

Design Thinking: Solution Phase Student Assignment
In the refine phase, we revisit the original design challenge and its success criteria…

Design Thinking: Understand Phase Student Assignment
Design thinkers need to be proficient in all phases of the process - Understand…

Design Thinking: Prototype Phase Student Assignment
Design thinkers are proficient in more than design only. Our competencies and collaboration glide from…

Design Thinking: Explore Phase Student Assignment
We learned in the Explore phase article (academy.autodesk.com/inspiration/blog) that finding solutions to the problems we’ve uncovered requires us to generate a wide range of ideas on how we might meet people’s needs.

Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.
Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.