Where can I find participants for my product research?

Q: Where can I find participants for my product research?
A: Meet them where they are now. Here are a slew of ideas.

Imagine you are planning a study to learn about the home buying process.

Consider the following:

  • Going to open houses (to find home shoppers)

  • Speaking with realtors and mortgage brokers (who have direct access to home shoppers)

  • Attending a home buying seminar or Meet-up group

  • Joining home-related community groups

Contacting people who recently commented on your competitors social media or provided a review

If you are in an existing home shopping related category:

  • Solicit people who commented on your own social media, left a review, or filed a help desk ticket

  • Ask your sales team for referrals

  • Perform intercept recruiting from your own website or app

You can also recruit through a number of research platforms that include participant panels:

  • Respondent. io

  • UserInterviews. com

  • Usability Hub

  • Usertesting. com

  • Optimal Workshop

  • Validately

  • dScout

There are TONS of professional research recruiters and agencies too.

Regardless of where you find your participants, you'll have to screen IN the people who are best suited to provide you with feedback and screen OUT those who do not meet your criteria.


You are on your way. Your day will come.


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