50% off and Boatloads of Inspiration

Welcome to 2021!

I hope your year is starting off on a terrific foot (despite last week's horrific events in Washington DC).

On a happier note, below are several jobs, articles, events, workshops, podcasts, etc. to inspire you to improve your user research chops. Whether you are looking to upskill, build, or expand your research team or processes, land a new role, or just stay up to date, here’s a ton to chew on.

Workshops and classes

First, General Assembly announced 50% off ALL classes and workshops if you purchase by the end of the day today! Use code “learn2021”.

  • This discount can be applied to all of my user research workshops. Learn more about my Q1 GA 3-hour and day-long offerings here.

  • After today you can use discount code “ronsen-2021" to receive a 25% discount on my GA workshops for the remainder of Q1.

  • Come join me! My workshops get rave reviews. They are perfect for people looking to dip their toe in, gather tips, tricks, and tools, experience more formal UXR education, network, and or if you have a specific question set.

  • Our “Ask Like A Pro” Observer seats are available for “Immediate access”. NOTE: We added weekly office hours and a separate Slack channel for all Observers. The automation is seamless and the overall experience for everyone has surpassed our expectations! Love it when a plan comes together :)

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Job board



  • Wealthfront User Research Intern (work with Noam Segal of UXR Conversations!)

  • WillowTree Apps Product Research Intern and User Research Analyst – New Grad (several positions in Ohio and North Carolina)

  • American Airlines User Experience Product Design Intern (hello Dallas!)

  • Sony Playstation Games User Research Intern (I'm not a gamer but this sounds awesome to me)


  • TikTok has a user experience researcher role open in Los Angeles (Whoa?! talk about a great opportunity)

  • Match.com UX Researcher (working on the future of dating in a Covid-19 world sounds fascinating)

  • The Philadelphia Inquirer User Researcher ("act as a force multiplier" - yes please)


  • Workday Senior UX Researcher (exceptional company, qual + quant required)

  • Etsy UX Research Manager (even I am tempted about this one!

  • Discovery Director of User Research (Discovery owns Discovery Channel, TLC, Animal Planet, HGTV, Food Network, and Travel Channel - talk about impact!)

Reading, watching, listening:

  • [READ] Amy Santee’s 118 ways to get a job in user experience research article is astoundingly robust and thoughtful. “It’s a compendium of 118 tips and methods for efficiently, confidently and successfully making your way into UX research, based largely on my own journey as well as being on hiring panels, what I have seen work for my colleagues and coaching clients, and ideas from experts in the field (with links and citations).” Amy is a UXR career coach and an all-around amazingly talented person. She lists Curiosity Tank first in her user research education recommendations! #VeryHumbled

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  • [READ] dScout’s Managing Research Timeline Expectations: When Scrappy Turns Crappy is a teaser article for our terrific panel discussion. I participated with other UXR experts from Amazon UX Lab, Wealthfront, and Figma to discuss the art of stakeholder expectation setting and the false dichotomy between quality and speed. The video of the panel discussion will be available later this month. Stay tuned.

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  • [WATCH] Noam Segal’s UXR Conversations YouTube series kicked off its second series with Matt Gallivan, Director of Product Research at Slack. I have tremendous respect for both of these excellent humans. When asked if Matt wanted to give any shoutouts or promote anything or anyone, he said “We’ve been working a lot with Michele Ronsen and Curiosity Tank. She’s fantastic. I’d recommend Michele to anyone.” And Noam replied “Michele was also a guest on UXR Conversations Season 1 and she’s marvelous. Few people contribute more to the UX community than she does so shout out to her.” #Grateful

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  • [LISTEN] Roy Opata Olende’s new Research at Scale podcast is all about how to effectively run ReOps. I haven’t checked it out yet but am excited to do so.


  • January 29th: Race in the Field: Navigating User Research as Designers of Color.This panel brings together POC designers and researchers to speak about how their racial background influences their research approach.

  • February 1-5: QRCA Annual Conference. This qualitative research conference’s theme is Diversify. Discover. Design the Vision. Janet Standen and I will be presenting about the UX Lexicon right after the keynote! Please join us.

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Speak up, get involved, share the love

And that's a wrap!

We'll alternate between a theme and UX/UXR jobs, events, classes, articles, and other happenings every few weeks. Thank you for all of the feedback. Feedback is a gift and we continue to receive very actionable input on how to make Fuel Your Curiosity more meaningful to you. Keep it coming!

What do you think? Lmk. We're constantly iterating and always welcome your input.

Stay curious,

- Michele


Where can I find participants for my product research?


How to get the most out of User Research