What I learned from launching my first course


In a perfect world, I wouldn’t have launched my first Curiosity Tank courses under these global conditions. But last week I went forward with my “PLAN” one-day workshops. I had the perfect number of participants and all of them walked away with their own user research PLAN!

It was a success on so many levels, both in terms of what people got out of it and what I learned.

Here’s where global upheaval taught me a lesson. My normal instinct would be to race ahead and deliver another and another and another workshop, while iterating quickly.

But I had a different instinct: slow down and take time to evaluate where I am, how life has changed, and what I learned.

The next workshop in the series, SURVEY/SCREEN will still take place but not until April 17th or 18th (see link in comments).

While these are tough times, there are valuable lessons to be learned. Among the best (for me): is to slow down.

What have you learned?


Nothing compares to having a growth mindset


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