Curiosity Tank

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Tonight is the night!

TONIGHT IS THE NIGHT! At 5pm PT I am holding our “Is Ask Like A Pro Right For Me?” event with alumni. For the first time, I am going to share some of our tools, templates, and checklists that support the registrants throughout the cohort, and beyond.

"Ask Like A Pro" is a series of user research workshops offering an incredibly structured approach to help participants while they “learn by doing research.”

Each of our six workshops builds on one another. Together, in sequence, registrants experience and or conduct full end-to-end studies with actual stakeholders. I provide mentorship and guidance at every stage along the way.

The 45+ tools, templates and resources are used throughout our cohorts, and well beyond. They continue to evolve, save precious time, and reduce cognitive load. We know they are a key differentiator as they help new and growing practitioners in a plethora of ways. Zoom in and check out what some of our Observers and OnDemand students say about these life changers!

We also provide Career and Networking resources, our Alumni Directory, and our Recorded Event Archive.

PLEASE JOIN US tonight to learn more! The registration link is below.

I hope to see you there!