Three interesting facts about airplanes that relate to UX

Three interesting facts about airplanes. I love flying. This wknd I flew to Bozeman, MT to celebrate my niece’s graduation and some family members' milestone birthdays. IT. WAS. SO. GOOD. TO. GET. AWAY.

  • The bottom of an airplane’s “lavatory” door sign lifts up to reveal a toggle switch between “occupied” and “vacant.” Flight attendants use this to control the lavatory status. I presume it’s used most in emergencies but I had never "seen" this feature before.

  • That little hole in the bottom of the window? I assumed it was for some pressure control. It’s actually called a "breathing hole.” Yes, it balances pressure between window layers but also prevents fogging by allowing air circulation, to ensure passenger safety and comfort.

  • Your tastebuds are reduced by @ 30% during flights. Yep. Cabin pressure numbs tastebuds and dries food out. Noise impacts taste buds too. What’s even stranger is that only sweet and salty flavors are affected in the air, not spicy or bitter. This might be why Bloody Marys are such a hit in the skies ;)

All of the above relate to UX. Did I mention I love to fly?


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