Fuel your curiosity
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Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.
Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.

What types of UXR impact are you reporting on?
I’m super excited to teach two corporate workshops this week on “How to Improve UXR Storytelling and Presentation Share Outs”. Check out this portion that focuses on different types of impact…

Why Are Stakeholders SOOOO Intrinsic to UXR Success?
So what's the big deal with Stakeholders? Why do we need them in user research? First of all, we can't be successful as researchers without our stakeholders. UX is a team sport! And…

21 Reasons Research Fails (and how to overcome these challenges)
The major categories of failure are lack of alignment, planning, timing, confidence, and action. Each category is broken out below and 21 suggestions about how to mitigate these pitfalls…

Survey Screeners for the win!
How’s it going? We’ve been super busy here at Curiosity Tank. Good busy! We are: Wrapping up a client consulting research study, Consulting with another client to help improve their UX…

Avoid these 3 mistakes beginning researchers make!
A question I’m often asked as an experienced researcher and instructor is, “What’s the one mistake that every researcher makes when they first start out?” The thing is, there’s not just one…

Quiz time! Test your UXR knowledge today
Time for a fun (I hope) wrap-up and recap of some of the UXR knowledge dropped in Fuel Your Curiosity newsletters and UX Lex Term Tuesdays emails in 2021. Can you ace my quick 10-question…

6 tips to improve your survey/screener’s UX
As a UX researcher, you spend time obsessing over how stakeholders’ products are experienced by customers. But have you considered the UX of your own research work? Your interactions…

Stop! Do these 4 things before you write your research plan
I’ve always believed great research starts with a great Research Plan, but as we officially start our Fall Ask Like A Pro cohort next week, I’ve been thinking about the things I do BEFORE I scratch…

5 Tips to Build your Moderator Muscles
You have your research participant in front of you. You have your guide over here that you're trying to follow-yet-jump-around-with, digging deeper and pulling on certain threads…

Surveys? I’m more of a qual gal…
As a UX researcher who focuses more on qualitative studies, I love planning a great workshop and conducting a series of in-depth interviews. There are times, though, when a survey…

Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.
Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.