Setting your goals for 2022
Whether your 2022 goals are defined yet or not, set yourself up for success and write down your main goals! Here is some *inspiration* about potential focus topics/themes. My suggestion is to pick one or two (max) and update them as you see fit so they are meaningful and relevant to YOU and YOUR 2022 goals!
Practical: Build my UX vocabulary, learn a new method or approach, build a system, complete the Ask Like A Pro series
Collaborative: Try a new recruiting approach, template or share out/deliverable form
Community: Build your LinkedIn confidence/connections, find people/spaces to connect, and share ideas
Tactical: Complete a case study, update your LinkedIn profile, educate your stakeholders about XYZ
Personal: Find a better balance, make healthier choices, invest in yourself
Financial: Increase savings, get a raise, launch a side hustle
Help others: Share your knowledge, give (feed)back, become an accountability buddy
Reduce or eliminate: Unsubscribe from lists, unfriend those who don’t bring you joy, declutter
Other: Spiritual, familial, mindset, travel, etc.
Once you identify your goals, use the SMART framework to make sure they are indeed SMART!
S - Specific
M - Measurable
A - Achievable
R - Relevant
T - Timebound
Yesterday we completed two goal-setting sessions with Curiosity Tank Ask Like A Pro alums. The goals ranged from completing case studies to launching on-demand workshops to becoming more proficient in Miro to learning about how to get a job in Europe without a visa or EU passport, addressing procrastination, finding a new job, launching a side hustle, and more. At the end of the sessions, we identified accountability buddies.
I'm super goal-oriented. Goals help me stay focused, challenge me to grow, inspire me to take action, and keep me motivated.
What is one goal you hope to achieve in 2022?