Curiosity Tank

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Invest to Progress! 13 UXR Events and 11+ Job Listings

Invest in your success: training, coaching networking and more

How are you investing in yourself and your team? Consider this as we get closer to year end. Investing in yourself is important regardless of industry, but especially to user research. In UXR, it’s critical we approach our work with a growth mindset and an open mind. At the end of the day, our goal is to learn and, ultimately, to improve something.

Now is the time to take stock and advantage of professional development and team-building dollars. Consider continuing education workshopscoaching, and corporate training to further your goals and plan for your career. Get a leg up on your peers. Take ownership of your career. You’re much more likely to achieve success and meet your goals!


User research events are back in full swing! Take a look at this select lineup for September. I'm especially excited about #8. QRCA's Flex Your UX day-long conference is jammed-packed with extraordinary topics and talent and I'm the opening keynote speaker! And #9 and #10! We have an incredible Ask Like A Pro cohort kicking off next month with two fantastic project sponsors! Read on...

1. 9/3 Ladies that UX Atlanta (FREE)

2. 9/6-8 UX STRAT Europe 2021

3. 9/6 Surveys That Work: A Practical Guide to Designing Better Surveys // UX Book (FREE)

4. 9/7 Curiosity Tank and Bitesize UX Card Sort Event ($30)

5. 9/8 UX Crunch Panel - Managing Stakeholders (FREE)

6. 9/8 UX Rescue - UXR Methods in Action (FREE)

7. 9/9 Delta CX Podcast - Research Is Now Storytelling (FREE)

8. 9/10 QRCA Flex Your UX Conference ($25)

9. 9/13 Curiosity Tank’s Ask Like A Pro Fall Info Session and Q&A with Alumni PLEASE JOIN US!! (FREE)

10. 9/26 Curiosity Tank’s Ask Like A Pro Fall User Research Workshop Series begins

11. 9/27-30 Radical Research Summit

12. 9/28 World Interaction Design Day 2021

13. 9/29 UX Research in an Agile World (FREE)

We found two new UX job boards this week that are worth checking out.

The theme for this edition’s jobs is “multiples.” These companies have multiple user researcher positions/needs. Want to feature an open position next month? Please let us know!

Speak up, get involved, share the love

And that's a wrap!

We try to alternate between a theme and UX/UXR jobs, events, classes, articles, and other happenings every few weeks. What do you think? We're constantly iterating and would still love to hear your input.

Stay curious,
- Michele and the Curiosity Tank team

PS: Please join us at our “Is Ask Like A Pro right for me?” webinar to see if our workshops may fit your needs. Can't make the time? No worries. We'll send a replay to all registrants ;)