Don’t focus on tools first!

Q: What user research tools or platforms should I focus on learning first?
A: Don’t focus on tools first!


  1. You won’t always have access to the same tools.

  2. Sometimes, you won’t need a tool at all.

  3. You might need a tool that performs an entirely different function than the tools you know.

  4. Tools continually evolve.

  5. Knowing what you NEED a tool to accomplish is more important than knowing what the latest tool does.

  6. Your personal ‘comfort zone’ with favorite tools can keep you from choosing the best tool.

Where to focus instead?
So, instead of tools, where SHOULD a beginning researcher focus their energy? On learning how to conduct research WITHOUT the tools. Build that solid research foundation. Master how to interview well, and how to ask concise, non-leading questions. Learn to ask good questions of different populations. Learn how to ask the right people the right questions in the right way.

Yesterday’s edition of Fuel Your Curiosity focuses on this exact question and delves into the topic even more. Check it out!

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Progress over perfection


6 Reasons To Hold Off On That Tool (and Hammer)!