50% off GA Flash Sale & Friends To Seek Out

Who doesn't love a great deal?

General Assembly just announced a 50% off promotion! It can be applied to all of my upcoming remote, user research classes when you enroll before May 10th.


I teach all of the US stand alone user research classes for GA. Sixty-eight GA classes over the past 15 months. Yep. I love it and personally guarantee they are worth your time and money (and so can nearly 500 other GA UXR students). Seriously, if you don't agree I will reimburse you.

These classes are designed for people who are:

  • Interested in boosting their customer and user research confidence

  • Finding research is becoming a bigger portion of their job or have a specific question to explore

  • Looking to upskill their research chops with formal training

  • Meet and network with UX professionals

  • Understand how academic and industry research differ

  • Evaluate UX research as a career

  • Learn key industry terminology

  • Expand research method knowledge and see various methods “in action”

  • Connect theory to practice (hear stories from the trenches, see actual artifacts)

  • Access my proprietary tools and templates (to plan, recruit, author and orchestrate studies)

  • Seek inspiration on how to communicate/share research learnings

  • Enter code REMOTE50 to get the 50% off when you enroll by 5/10!!

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Grab a friend or teammate and take a class together.

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Here are the three UXR classes where the discount can be applied. Visit the GA website for additional details and to register.

And speaking of friends...

My friend Jamin Brazil and I had a super fun time on his podcast called Happy Market Research. We talked about market research versus user research, turf wars, releasing UX Lex, the new generation of researchers not having the same vocabulary, sponsorships, McDonalds, the biggest issues facing researchers today and so much more. You guys, Jamin is the real deal. He's crazy tuned in, super smart and an excellent conversationalist. Learn more about Jamin Brazil on LinkedIn.

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My new friend...

Noam Segal, Director of User Research at Wealthfront, recently started a YouTube Channel called UXR Conversations.

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He's having great convos with super talented and interesting people from all walks of our user research community. I was psyched to be guest #8 on his show! Our conversation focused mostly on UXR individual and corporate education, trends and challenges in upskilling the next generation of user researchers, and who "belongs" in research. We also talked about Doc McStuffins, Peppa Pig and some other seriously important stuff! Definitely check out and subscribe to Noam's YouTube Channel.

It’s never to late to learn how to…

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Speak up, get involved, share the love

Let’s stay curious. Let’s support one another. And spread CALM together.

- Michele


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Big news from General Assembly~