Intercept Interview/Survey

What is it? Interrupting someone digitally (via pop-up window, chat, banner ad, etc) or physically (in-person), while they are engaged in a specific activity relevant to the research study. Typically, they are short interactions designed to get quick feedback.

The in-person intercept interview is usually administered by a researcher, or self-completed by the participant on a device.

When it is best used? When in-context / in the moment feedback is needed, usually on the topic the person is currently engaged in, e.g. while using a website (via a digital survey), or while shopping in a store at checkout (via an interviewer).

Often used in-person at events, conferences, malls, etc. Not suitable in a “public” location, if more sensitive or thoughtful answers, or lengthy discussions are required.

What does it entail?  Interrupting users before, during or after they have engaged in the activity of interest to the study, and inviting them to participate in research there and then. Usually an incentive for participation is offered to those who qualify and take part.

Interchangeable Term: N/A

Use in a Sentence:  We used Intercept Interviews as a means to collect in-the-moment feedback when we want to learn about someone's in context experience.

Related Terms: sample, participant, user, respondent, field study, in-the-moment research, interview

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