Fuel your curiosity
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Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.
Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.
Events! + 16 Ways to Make Better Decisions
I wear many hats in life – a parent, sister, daughter, aunt (my nieces and nephews call me Auntie M!), friend, researcher, landlord, consultant, educator, innovator, entrepreneur, and…
Pricing Questions: How to? Whose Endeavor?
In the world of research, there's often a fine line between understanding user needs and determining the right pricing strategies. While user research, market research, and marketing…
Flash Sale and Paid Guest Blogging
Writing these Fuel Your Curiosity newsletters was very challenging for me at first. Overtime, I grew to loooove it! There's something absolutely thrilling about choosing the right topic, framing my…
Events, Sales and New Content, Oh My!
We’ve been heads down here at Curiosity Tank now that the economy has picked up. Thrilled to report we are now back to 2022 levels of user research consulting and training. Hooray! Here are…
Are you a Lumper or a Splitter?
...when it comes to qualitative data analysis? This topic sparked a lively conversation in this past cohort. What on earth are “Lumpers” and “Splitters”? Allow me to…
17+ Ways to Optimize Your Time Between Sessions
As a researcher, you might find yourself with unexpected downtime between sessions. Halle-freaking-lu-jah!! Right? Perhaps a participant no-showed, or you have extra time because a session…
NEW! Introducing the Expert Series
We're thrilled to announce our long awaited "Expert Training Series" is now live! The Expert Training Series is a partnership between Curiosity Tank and top practitioners who are super passionate, and…
Stop “Understanding” and Start Doing THIS Instead
In research goals, the verb "understand" is commonly used to indicate a desire for a deep and comprehensive comprehension of a specific topic or issue. However, it is often too broad and…
Qualify for Our Paid Study?
Exciting times! Our current Ask Like A Pro cohort is now recruiting participants for their research studies on various topics! Several studies are seeking participants who are searching for, applying to…
The Controversial UXR Case Study
Let’s face it. Case studies can be largely unavoidable pains in the *ss. I field questions about them regularly. Here’s a Q&A about these devils: Q: Are case studies required? Yes, for juniors and mid-level…
Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.
Sign up for “Fuel Your Curiosity.” Monthly-ish musings for user researchers and other curiosities.